Monday, February 20, 2012

Current State 21.2.2012

  • seperated WM code from Launcher Code (can be run independently).
  • tested WM with several docks (cairo-dock, awn, simdock,..)
  • cleaned up code, tons of bugfixes, new artwork

after seperation, before cleaning it up:
WM:                   ~1780 loc, 12 classes
Launcher:           ~1440 loc, 13 classes

older version ->
mostly up-to-date ->

more to come....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Current State 10.11.2011

Desktop (direkt nach dem Start):

Wetter-Tooltip (XML Feed):

Startmenu (Kategorie-Ansicht):

Startmenu (genauere Ansicht einer Kategorie):

Gestenerkennung (User beim malen einer Geste)

Lines of Code: 2 868

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Current State 21.09.2011

# new startmenu almost done -> iconSize can be set easily

Lines of Code: 1698

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Current State 20.09.2011

# gesture system 
          at the moment there are 4 gestures available
# startmenu works
          parsing .desktop/.directory/.xml files and construct a startmenu
          can start apps already.

Lines of Code: 1701

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Current State 08.09.2011

 # lockscreen has been slightly changed

 # Weather plugin embedded in the panel, showing the current weather (as an icon, which changes according to your daytime) and the current temperature

 #changing between apps

# volume changing UI with pulse-audio backend (working of course)

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Current State 04.09.2011

# menus are now constructed with .xml files (not hardcoded anymore)
# weather plugin which fetches the weather-data from google
# plugin framework set up (more to come ;) )

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Current State 31.08.2011

# dock redesign (still work-in-progress)
# clock font-size changed